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Meaning of "toujours" in Music

In the context of music, "toujours" is a French word that translates to "always" in English. It can be used to convey a sense of permanence or continuity in the lyrics or theme of a song. For example, the song "L'amour toujours" by Gigi D'Agostino uses the phrase in its title, which means "love always" in French. The lyrics of the song revolve around the theme of everlasting love and its enduring impact. The word "toujours" in this context emphasizes the message of enduring love that the song conveys.

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The French term for always.

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always; continually; forever (tuˈʒuʀ) adverb. always; continually; forever.

Toujours L'Amour, meaning "Always Love" in French.

love masculine noun. love. faire l'amour to make love.

[French, yield] A musical directive to the performer to yield, or slow down.

Toujours can mean “always”. Je serai toujours là pour toi. (= I'll always be there for you) Je suis toujours à la recherche d'histoires intéressantes pour mon podcast, French Voices. (=I'm always looking for interesting stories for my podcast, French Voices.)

Toujours = “always” (synonyms: “habituellement,” “perpétuellement,” “continuellement,” “éternellement”… but they're much more formal.) → Je suis toujours contente de te voir ! = I'm always happy to see you! It's very common in everyday French conversation!

Translation of "toujours et pour toujours" in English. always and forever.

You and I, forever Toi et moi, pour toujours! You and I, forever.

An amour is a love affair, especially one which is kept secret.

Chanson Française is the typical style of French music (chanson means "song" in French) and is still very popular in France.

Here is a list of the key words for music in French: music - la musique (lah moo-zik) the instrument - l'instrument (lans-troo-man) the guitar - la guitare (lah gee-tah)

"Toujours" is an adverb. So for simple tenses (présent, imparfait...) It will go after the verb: Je fais toujours mes devoirs le soir.

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