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Meaning of "Immer" in Music

In the context of music, the term "immer" has different meanings depending on the language and specific musical context. Here are a few possible interpretations:

1. **German Language**: In German, "immer" means "always" or "continuously" It can be used to indicate that a certain musical element or instruction should be maintained throughout a piece of music. For example, "immer leiser" means "always softer".

2. **Song Lyrics**: The word "immer" can also appear in song lyrics, and its meaning would depend on the specific context and language of the song. Translating songs from one language to another while preserving the intended meaning and musicality can be challenging.

It's important to note that the meaning of "immer" in music can vary depending on the specific musical genre, composer, and cultural context. Therefore, it's always best to consider the specific context in which the term is used to fully understand its intended meaning.

The German term for always.

In addition, you can familiarize yourself with the terms:

Popular questions related to immer

Adverb. immer. always. at all times without exception.

Translation software says this word means "always" but I am curious if there is a deeper or more nuanced meaning of the word.

A directive to a musician to perform the indicated passage of a composition in a lively and animated manner. See also [Eng.] animated; [Fr.]

little The German word meaning "little." This term is typically used in conjunction with a tempo description term to qualify or further specify the intentions of the composer in German music. For example, "ein wenig langsam" directs the performer to play a particular passage "a little slower" than the previous passage.

immer adverb. always adv. Ich habe dich immer geliebt. I have always loved you.

German: habitational name for someone from a place called Immer near Oldenburg in Lower Saxony. Swiss German: presumably from the Latinized personal name Imerius (also Hymerius) borne by the 7th century Swiss missionary and Christian saint.

International Standard Bible Encyclopedia - Immer (1) A priest of David's time (1 Chronicles 24:14), whose descendants are mentioned in Ezra 2:37; 10:20; Nehemiah 3:29; 7:40; 11:13. (2) A priest of Jeremiah's time (Jeremiah 20:1).

animation The word anime is a shortened form of the Japanese word animēshon, which means "animation." While anime has its roots in Japan, it has since spread to other countries, and today, anime can be found in many different languages, including English.

The term anime [a·nuh·mei] is a Japanese colloquialism used as an abbreviation for the term “animation.” Generally in Japan, the word anime (written アニメ) is synonymous with animation of any kind from anywhere. Internationally, however, anime is typically referred to as animation that is produced from Japan.

(German) A; one. EIN WENIG FLIESSENDER. (German) A little flowing and smooth. EIN WENIG RUHIGER. (German) A little quieter and calmer.

lacrimoso or lagrimoso: tearfully, sadly. lamentando or lamentoso: lamenting, mournfully. lugubre: lugubrious, mournful. mesto: mournful, sad.

Translation of "immer, doch" in English. always, but. ever, but. always but.

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