Home Composers Steven Stucky

Steven Stucky

Short bio Steven Stucky

Birthday: 1949
Died: 2016

Full biography Steven Stucky

photo Steven Stucky

Steven Stucky was an American composer who was born on November 7, 1949, and died on February 14, 2016. He was known for his intricate, tautly constructed compositions, which often balanced modernist dissonance with traditional tonality.

Stucky was an active and in-demand composer, conductor, writer, lecturer, and teacher throughout his career. In addition to winning the Pulitzer Prize, he was also the resident composer of the Los Angeles Philharmonic for over two decades.

Stucky was also known for his gift for pastiche, as demonstrated in his work "The Classical Style: An Opera (of Sorts)", which showcased his lighter side and sense of humor. Despite this, Stucky was always aiming to create something new in his work, writing that "one kind of artist is always striving to annihilate the past , to make the world anew in each new work..."

Stucky passed away at the age of 66 , leaving behind a lasting legacy of groundbreaking compositions that continue to inspire and challenge listeners today.

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