Home Terms buzz roll

buzz roll

Meaning of Buzz Roll in Music

A **buzz roll** is a drumming technique that produces a sustained buzzing sound by rapidly bouncing the drumsticks on the drumhead. It is also known as a **closed roll**. The buzz roll is commonly used in various musical contexts, including marching bands, orchestral music, and drum solos.

To play a buzz roll, drummers alternate hands as they would in a single stroke roll, but each stick is allowed to bounce a non-specific number of times. The strokes of the sticks are so close together that, when executed well, it disguises when one hand is taking over for another.

The buzz roll is often notated in sheet music using a specific symbol, such as the letter "Z" on the note stem, to indicate when buzz strokes should be used instead of clean double strokes. This notation helps clarify the style of playing and distinguishes it from other types of rolls.

The buzz roll is a versatile technique that can be used to create dynamic and expressive drumming patterns. It adds texture and intensity to musical performances, enhancing the overall sound and impact of the music.


A variation of the multiple bounce roll. Also known as a press roll this roll requires more than three bounces from each stroke. It is also classified as a closed roll because it has more than three bounces from each stroke.This sticking pattern is indicated with the symbol "Z" on the stem or over the note or the use of three slashes on the stem or over the note

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Popular questions related to buzz roll

The closed concert roll (orchestral roll, buzz roll, or press roll) is performed by creating 3 (or more) equal sounding bounces on each hand alternating right to left, repeatedly and quickly.

This. It's almost like each buzz is a little crescendo. So work on right-to-left. And repeat. It. Then work on left-to-right. And repeat that cool so once you have a seamless transition. Now.

And here's how you do it. Start by throwing your stick onto the pad with a little bit more falcon pressure than you're normally used to and i try to get multiple bounces for every stroke you. Do.

And little fingers come away from the stick a little bit. So when you press that is the drum. Let the stick drop. You're getting a multiple bounce five six up to about ten hits on the drum.

Thing. One thing you're going to immediately. Notice is the practice pad doesn't give as much of the rebound. I'm using the harder side of this as well so you can pick it up in the microphones.

Keep sending out those positive vibes (and those positive updates to your fans) and you will begin to build buzz over time.

  1. #1 Play live as often as possible.
  2. #2 Perform in smaller venues.
  3. #9 Run competitions.
  4. #11 Start a blog.
  5. #12 Start your own YouTube channel.
  6. #15 Feature them in your music video.

What is a multiple bounce roll (buzz roll)? To play a buzz roll (the common name we'll use on the rest of this page), you'll alternate hands as you would in a single stroke roll, but each stick is allowed to bounce a non-specific number of times.

When the hands are alternated correctly - it creates a smooth and steady buzz roll on the snare drum. It is extremely important you are playing the multiple bounce roll with correct stick grip. This will allow the hands to stay relaxed, and the balanced sticks to play even and steady buzz strokes.

To play a buzz roll (the common name we'll use on the rest of this page), you'll alternate hands as you would in a single stroke roll, but each stick is allowed to bounce a non-specific number of times.

And let the stick drop down and bounce as many times as a can do that a few times. And then take those three fingers wrap them around and do the same.

From front to back, run the clipper in smooth, straight strokes across the top. If you see unwanted cut lines, go back and blend with an upward motion. To touch up the sides, take your time and use concise strokes. You can always use the ear trim guides to build your confidence around your ears.

Learn How To Play The Multiple Bounce Roll (Buzz Roll) All of these strokes are to be played as multiple strokes to create a buzz sound. In other words, each hand will play a loose stroke that produces multiple notes in a short period of time.

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