Home Terms sequence


1. A style of chant used in the Medieval Church. It was usually syllabic, and the text, which was in Latin, was wide-ranging and extensive. 

2. A progression of chords which ends in a cadence

3. A restatement of an idea or motif at a different pitch level from the original.

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sequence, in music, a melodic or chordal figure repeated at a new pitch level (that is, transposed), thus unifying and developing musical material. The word sequence has two principal uses: the medieval sequence in the liturgy of the Latin mass and the harmonic sequence in tonal music. sequence.

It usually consists of a series of chords whose bass or "root" notes follow a pattern of descending fifths (or ascending fourths). For example, if a descending fifths sequence in C major starts with the note C, the next note will be F, a perfect fifth below the first note.

Melody is a timely arranged linear sequence of pitched sounds that the listener perceives as a single entity. Melody is one of the most basic elements of music. A note is a sound with a particular pitch and duration. String a series of notes together, one after the other, and you have a melody.

In other words, sequencers allow you to program a performance over a specified period of time. Sequencers are at the core of modern electronic music production, with arrangements built from loops of sequenced drum beats and synthesizer patterns. They're also useful as an accompaniment for live musicians.

With that goal in mind, here are some tips on how to sequence your songs to create your best possible album.

  1. Step #1: Plan ahead.
  2. Step #2: Lead with your hit.
  3. Step #3: Plan to build from there.
  4. Step #4: Add some variety.
  5. Step #5: Create flow.
  6. Step #6: Break your album into chapters.
  7. Step #7: Go out memorably.

Sequences are a set of numbers that are arranged or defined according to any specific rule which mean there is something common between them. Progressions are a set of numbers which are defined by some definite rule. It has a specific formula to find its terms.

There are two types of melodic sequences: real and tonal. A real sequence uses the exact intervals between each pitch as the original melody statement. In the example above, the intervals are exactly the same between statement and sequence, so it is a real sequence.

In mathematics, sequences are usually represented by a series of terms, each of which corresponds to a particular position or index in the sequence. For example, 3, 7, 11, 15, is a sequence as there is a pattern where each term is obtained by adding 4 to its previous term.

Sequence. refers to repeating a melodic fragment at different pitch levels (the melodic pattern begins on successively lower or higher notes)

In music, a note is the representation of a musical sound. Notes can represent the pitch and duration of a sound in musical notation. A note can also represent a pitch class.

Sequencing is the process of putting events, ideas, and objects in a logical order. Why is sequencing important? We sequence all day long - we divide our time into what we need to do first, second, and last; we understand events in our lives by understanding the order in which they occur.

A Sequence is a motive that is repeated one or more times at a higher or lower pitch. To be considered a Sequence, the motive must: be played or sung in the same voice or clef. be played or sung at a different pitch - either higher or lower.

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