Home Terms extension


A component of a chord symbol that indicates pitches that are added to the basic triad of to create a more complex chord. It is shown as a number representing the interval between the root and the highest additional note in the chord.

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In music, an extension is a set of musical notes that lie outside the standard range or tessitura.

Music extension is to be studied alonside music 2. This course provides an opportunity for musically and academically talented students to continue to refine and develop their advanced musical knowledge and skills in performance, composition or musicology.

Extended chords have notes that extend further than a three-note triad and the octave. More specifically, an extension occurs when you extend a chord beyond the 7th note of the scale. They are also built by stacking thirds on top of a triad. The available chord extensions are the 7th, 9th, 11th, and the 13th.

Music is a collection of coordinated sound or sounds. Making music is the process of putting sounds and tones in an order, often combining them to create a unified composition. People who make music creatively organize sounds for a desired result, like a Beethoven symphony or one of Duke Ellington's jazz songs.

1. a. : the action of extending : state of being extended. b. : an enlargement in scope or operation.

This suffix is added to the end of a file name, indicating its format. For example, the . doc or . docx extension specifies a Microsoft Word document.

What is a MP3 file? The MP3 file extension is a widely used digital audio container that has revolutionized the music playback, sharing and distributing industry. This format is based on either MPEG-1 Audio Layer III or MPEG-2 Audio Layer III codec developed by the Moving Picture Experts Group (MPEG).

Here are some steps you can take to change a file's format by using the "Save as" function in Windows 10:

  1. Open the file on your computer.
  2. Select the appropriate option from the ribbon bar.
  3. Select "Save as" and choose the file type to convert your file.
  4. Select "Save" in the dialogue box.

So for a C7 chord, you'd walk up the notes of C major scale to find each extended note: The 2nd of the scale is also the 9th = D. The 4th of the scale is also the 11th = F. The 6th of the scale is also the 13th = A.

an additional period of time given one to meet an obligation: My term paper wasn't finished so I asked for an extension. something that is expandable or can be extended; an extended object: a table with drop-leaf extensions. range or scope of extending; degree of extensiveness; extent: the extension of our knowledge.

So next time you are listening to a piece of music, try to separate out the parts and listen to how each of the Elements of Music are being used. Listen for the Dynamics, Form, Harmony, Melody, Rhythm, Texture, Timbre and Tonality. You might even want to start keeping a listening journal of the music you hear.

Melody, harmony, rhythm, and form and the expressive elements of dynamics, tempo, and timbre (tone color).

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