Home Terms dulcian


Meaning of Dulcian in Music

The dulcian is a woodwind instrument that originated during the Renaissance period. It is also known by other names such as curtal in English and dulzian in German. The dulcian has a double reed and a folded conical bore, and it is considered the predecessor of the modern bassoon. It is made out of wood, usually maple, and is constructed by drilling two holes that the air passes down and then back up to a flared bell. The double reed is fixed to the end of the bocal or crook.

The dulcian was popular during the later 1500s and into the 1600s, being used in a lot of chamber music. It played a significant role in instrumental chamber ensembles and provided accompaniment for dancing and choral groups The sound produced by the dulcian is deep and very similar to that of a bassoon.

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One of the names by which the bassoon was known in the 16th and 17th centuries. Also spelled "Dolcian" and "Dulzian".

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Popular questions related to dulcian

Description. The dulcian is a double-reed instrument with a folded conical bore that doubles back on itself by way of a tight U-shaped turn at its bottom end. It is constructed from a single shaft (with an oval cross-section) of wood (often maple) with two parallel bores drilled side-by-side from top to bottom.

Renaissance woodwind instrument The dulcian is a Renaissance woodwind instrument, with a double reed and a folded conical bore.

The Dulcian is the predecessor of the modern bassoon. It differs from early bassoons in two key respects: the number of its constituent parts, and the shape of its bell. The dulcian is made of a single piece of wood, where as early bassoons are made from four pieces of wood.

Like many other instruments in the renaissance, Dulcians were made in a family, soprano until contrabass. The smaller instruments up to the bass, are in general made from one piece of wood. Larger instruments are in many cased made from two or three pieces of wood.

about two and one-half octaves The dulcian was made in several sizes and has a range of about two and one-half octaves (C to g1). As the name indicates, the tone has a dolce quality when compared to the shawm. The bass size was the one which lasted as the forerunner of the bassoon.

maple Dulcians are usually made of maple or sycamore although cherrywood, cedar, ebony, oak, rosewood or walnut have been used with varying success. The distinguishing feature of the dulcian is its conical double bore (fig.

The Contrabassoon is the biggest instrument of the Woodwind family. The only difference is that it is double bigger than a Bassoon. It is played like the Bassoon and are made of the same materials. It produces its sound by blowing into the reed, like in the Bassoon.

dulzian The bassoon is a 17th-century development of the earlier sordone, fagotto, or dulzian, known in England as the curtal. It was first mentioned about 1540 in Italy as an instrument with both ascending and descending bores contained in a single piece of maple or pear wood.

Which musical instrument has the greatest range of sound? Pipe organ. Very large ones have both a Huge dynamic range (soft to loud), and pitch range (from “below” audible to the very highest notes).

Accordion was first created in the early 19th century in Berlin, Germany. Armenian organ and piano maker Cyrill Demian created the next variant of the Accordion in Vienna in 1829. He called his new instrument 'accordion.

The fact that bassoons now share this endangered status may come as more of a surprise, but this summer the reed instrument has become a strong candidate for international protection, according to fans of the sound of the symphony orchestra.

You probably saw this coming … but it's subjective! All instruments have their challenges. The bassoon may well just have the most obstacles to making it an accessible first instrument. The size can restrict it to learners over ten, and the complex keywork can be tough to tackle.

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