Home Composers Zavis of Zapy

Zavis of Zapy

Short bio Zavis of Zapy

Birthday: 1350
Died: 1411

Full biography Zavis of Zapy

photo Zavis of Zapy

Zavis of Zapy was a noted medieval composer and musician who lived during the 13th century in Bohemia, which is presently part of the Czech Republic. His name, "Zavis," is said to have been derived from a Bohemian word that means "dear one."

Very little is known about Zavis of Zapy, but it is believed that he served as a court musician in the court of King Ottokar II of Bohemia. It is also speculated that he may have belonged to the noble Zap family that held a prominent position in the region.

Zavis of Zapy is best known for his musical compositions, many of which have survived to the present day. His music is characterized by its simplicity and elegance and is said to have exerted a great influence on the development of Czech music.

Some of his most famous compositions include the "Offertory: Deus in adiutorium" and the "Gradual: Laetatus sum." He also composed several sacred hymns and chants that were sung in church services and religious festivals.

Zavis of Zapy's contribution to medieval music cannot be overstated. His innovative approach to composition and the influence he had on the development of Czech music earned him a place among the great composers of the Middle Ages. To this day, his music remains a testament to his genius and an enduring legacy of medieval Bohemian culture.

Albums featuring Zavis of Zapy

# Сover Name album Year Music label
1 Cover for album: Introduction Du Ménestrel À La Chanson Du TroubadourSymposium Introduction Du Ménestrel À La Chanson Du TroubadourSymposium "Pro Musica Antiqua" De Prague – Musique À La Cour De Prague 1971 Disques A Charlin
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