Home Composers William P.Latham

William P.Latham

Short bio William P.Latham

Birthday: 1917
Died: 2004

Full biography William P.Latham

photo William P.Latham

William P. Latham was an American composer and educator born on January 4, 1917, in Shreveport, Louisiana, and died on February 24, 2004, in Denton, Texas. He served in the U.S. Army during World War II as a cavalry bandsman and later as an officer in the U.S. Navy.

Latham served on the faculty of the University of North Texas College of Music from 1965 until his retirement in 1984. During his time there, he taught composition and theory. Latham wrote 118 pieces throughout his career , many of which have been performed by various ensembles and wind bands. Brighton Beach (1954/2001), Court Festival (1957), and Dodecaphonic Set (1967) are some of his notable works for winds.

Latham's music is characterized by unique combinations of dynamics and contrasting themes. One of his popular march pieces, Proud Heritage, has been used as a processional and concert march.

Latham is survived by his wife, Betty Jo Latham, and his three children. Dr. Pete, as he was known to his friends and family, was the middle child of composer Dr. William P. Latham. In lieu of flowers, contributions to North Texas Soccer were requested by his family.

Compositions featuring William P.Latham

# Name Duration Genre Year
1 Suite for Trumpet 5:36 min Chamber Music 1951
2 Court Festival, for wind ensemble 5:21 min Band Music -

Albums featuring William P.Latham

# Сover Name album Year Music label
1 Cover for album: Suite for Trumpet (1951)John Holt (8) – UNconventional Trumpet(CD, ) Suite for Trumpet (1951)John Holt (8) – UNconventional Trumpet(CD, ) 2004 Crystal (5)
2 Cover for album: FusionThe International Contemporary Music Exchange – Presents, Outstanding Contemporary Composers Of Texas - A Sampler And Comprehensive Survey(2×LP) FusionThe International Contemporary Music Exchange – Presents, Outstanding Contemporary Composers Of Texas - A Sampler And Comprehensive Survey(2×LP) 1984 ICME
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