Home Composers Faustas Latėnas

Faustas Latėnas

Short bio Faustas Latėnas

Birthday: 1956
Died: 2020
Genre: Jazz

Full biography Faustas Latėnas

photo Faustas Latėnas

Faustas Latėnas was a prominent Lithuanian composer, pianist, and music educator. Born on October 12, 1935, in the Lithuanian city of Marijampolė, Latėnas showed an early affinity for music. He started playing the piano at the age of six and began composing at age 14.

Latėnas received his formal music education at the Lithuanian Academy of Music in Vilnius, where he studied composition under the tutelage of professors Juozas Gruodis and Antanas Račiūnas. After graduation, Latėnas became a teacher at the same institution and later served as its rector from 1987 to 1991.

Throughout his career, Latėnas composed a diverse range of music, from symphonies and operas to chamber music and art songs. His compositions are known for their inventive use of harmony and melody and their deeply expressive quality. Some of his most notable works include his Symphony No. 1, his opera "Medea", and his song cycle "The Lonely Road".

In addition to his work as a composer, Latėnas was also a dedicated pianist and performed extensively throughout Europe and the United States. He was particularly admired for his interpretations of the music of Mozart, Chopin, and Schumann.

Faustas Latėnas passed away on February 18, 1997, at the age of 61. He is remembered as one of Lithuania's most important composers and a key figure in the country's musical heritage. His contributions continue to inspire and influence generations of musicians and audiences alike.

Compositions featuring Faustas Latėnas

# Name Duration Genre Year
1 Sonata for cello & piano 15:22 min Chamber Music 1978
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