Home Composers Gaetano Latilla

Gaetano Latilla

Short bio Gaetano Latilla

Birthday: 1711
Died: 1788
Genre: Classical
Period: Baroque

Full biography Gaetano Latilla

photo Gaetano Latilla

Gaetano Latilla (1711-1788) was an Italian opera composer who was best known for his comic operas , which were very popular in the eighteenth century. Latilla began writing for the Teatro dei Fiorentini in Naples by 1732 , and soon became well-known for his work. He is most famous for his opera settings of Gismondo (Rome, 1737) and Madama Ciana.

Latilla's music was known for its blend of humor and melodic charm, and his compositions often featured lively dance rhythms and catchy melodies. His light-hearted operas were very popular with audiences of the time and helped to establish the tradition of the opera buffa.

Apart from his comic operas, Latilla also wrote a significant amount of religious music, including masses and motets. Sadly, many of his works have been lost or remain unrecorded.

Overall, Gaetano Latilla was an important composer of the eighteenth century and played a significant role in shaping the genre of comic opera.

Compositions featuring Gaetano Latilla

# Name Duration Genre Year
1 Il Natal di Giove, opera 11:05 min Vocal Music 1752
2 Siroe, opera Opera 1740
3 Romolo, opera Opera 1739
4 La finta cameriera, opera 139:45 min Opera 1738
5 Sinfonia for orchestra in G major 5:49 min Orchestral -
6 T'Aggio Voluto Bene 6:45 min Miscellaneous (Classical) -
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