Home Composers William Mason

William Mason

Short bio William Mason

Birthday: 1829 in Boston, MA
Died: 1908 in New York, NY
Genre: Classical
Period: Modern

Full biography William Mason

photo William Mason

William Mason (1829-1908) was an American composer, pianist, and teacher from a family of musicians. He was known for his eclectic interests, which spanned electronic music, avant-garde jazz, and classical music. Mason was also a prolific writer and performer, and his contributions to the world of music were significant.

Mason's career as a composer began in the mid-19th century, and he went on to compose many pieces of music in a variety of genres. His works encompassed everything from large-scale orchestral pieces to intimate solo piano works, and his music was characterized by its harmonic richness and melodic beauty.

In addition to his work as a composer, Mason was also a dedicated teacher and performer. He taught at a number of institutions over the course of his career, including the New England Conservatory of Music and the Chicago Musical College, and his students went on to become some of the most influential figures in American music.

Despite his many accomplishments, Mason was not without his detractors. Some contemporary critics accused him of being too eclectic in his interests, and others questioned the value of his work as a composer. However, Mason remained a respected figure in the world of music throughout his life, and his legacy continues to inspire new generations of musicians and composers to this day.

Compositions featuring William Mason

# Name Duration Genre Year
1 A Pastoral Novelette, for piano 3:59 min Keyboard -
2 Amourette, for piano, Op. 48 6:42 min Keyboard -
3 Badinage, for piano, 4-hands, Op. 27 3:24 min Keyboard -
4 Ballade et Barcarolle, for piano 9:02 min Keyboard -
5 Capriccio Fantastico, for piano, Op. 50 5:19 min Keyboard -
6 Caprice Grotesque, for piano, Op. 22 3:45 min Keyboard -
7 Dance Antique, Op. 38 2:46 min Miscellaneous (Classical) -
8 Deux Humoresques de Bal, for piano, Op. 23 6:42 min Keyboard -
9 Improvisation, for piano, Op. 51 4:27 min Keyboard -
10 La Sabotière: Danse aux Sabots, for piano, Op. 33 5:18 min Keyboard -
11 Lullaby, for piano, Op. 10 3:16 min Keyboard -
12 Préludes (3) for piano 3:25 min Keyboard -
13 Rêverie Poétique, for piano, Op. 24 6:30 min Keyboard -
14 Silver Spring, for piano, Op 6 5:22 min Keyboard -
15 Valse de Bravoure, for piano, Op. 5 9:09 min Keyboard -
16 Valse-Caprice, for piano, Op. 17 6:08 min Keyboard -
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