Home Composers Daniel Gregory Mason

Daniel Gregory Mason

Short bio Daniel Gregory Mason

Birthday: 1873 in Brookline, MA
Died: 1953 in Greenwich, CT
Active: 1900s - 1920s
Genre: Classical
Period: Post-Romantic

Full biography Daniel Gregory Mason

photo Daniel Gregory Mason

Daniel Gregory Mason (1873-1953) was an American composer and music critic who was part of the German-influenced Boston group of U.S. composers. He was the grandson of music publisher and educator Lowell Mason , and the son of Henry Mason, co-founder of the Mason-Hamlin piano company. Daniel Gregory Mason wrote or co-wrote eighteen books on music , making him once "the most widely read author in America of books about music and composers."

Mason's compositions were influenced by Romanticism , and he wrote many orchestral works, chamber music, and songs. He also played an important role in promoting the work of other composers, particularly American composers.

Mason was a prolific writer and music critic, and he wrote articles and books on a wide range of musical topics. For example, in his article "Life As a Composer," he championed Tchaikovsky as a writer of extraordinary emotion , and in his book "The Romantic Composers," Mason explores the work of composers such as Beethoven, Schubert, and Brahms.

In addition to being a composer and music critic, Mason was also a respected music educator and served as the MacDowell Professor of Music at Columbia University. He was a strong advocate for American composers and wrote about the need for the United States to establish its own musical identity.

Overall, Daniel Gregory Mason was an important figure in American music during the early 20th century, both as a composer and a writer. His legacy lives on through his compositions, his writings, and his advocacy for American music.

Compositions featuring Daniel Gregory Mason

# Name Duration Genre Year
1 Chanticleer, festival overture for orchestra, Op. 27 13:07 min Orchestral 1926
2 Prelude & Fugue for piano & orchestra, Op. 20 10:58 min Concerto 1921
3 String quartet on Negro Themes in G minor, Op. 19 24:29 min Chamber Music 1918
4 Sonata for clarinet (or violin) & piano, Op 14 23:15 min Chamber Music 1912
5 Sonata for violin & piano in G minor, Op. 5 26:45 min Chamber Music 1907
6 Divertimento for woodwind quintet, Op. 26b Chamber Music -
7 Night Wind, for piano (Country Pictures No. 6), Op. 9/6 3:28 min Keyboard -
8 Sentimental Sketches, for piano trio, Op. 34 8:26 min Chamber Music -
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