Home Composers Paola Massarenghi

Paola Massarenghi

Short bio Paola Massarenghi

Birthday: 1565

Full biography Paola Massarenghi

photo Paola Massarenghi

Paola Massarenghi was an Italian composer born in 1565 and active in the late 16th century. She is among the few known female composers from the Renaissance era. Despite the limited information available about her life, her name has appeared in several historical records, including music scores. Her works were well-regarded during her time and were often performed in various venues throughout Italy, including the court of the Duke of Parma. Massarenghi's surviving compositions include a number of madrigals and canzonettas, which were popular secular forms of vocal music during the Renaissance era. The exact date of her death is unknown. Massarenghi's legacy has been gaining more recognition in recent years, as scholars have been working to uncover the contributions of women in classical music history.

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