Home Composers Walter Cecil Macfarren

Walter Cecil Macfarren

Short bio Walter Cecil Macfarren

Birthday: 1826 in London, England
Died: 1905 in London, England
Genre: Classical

Full biography Walter Cecil Macfarren

photo Walter Cecil Macfarren

Walter Cecil Macfarren was a British composer, pianist, and conductor, born on August 28, 1826. He was known for his contributions to the music scene in England, as well as his dedication to education, having served as a teacher at the Royal Academy of Music.

Macfarren began his musical education at an early age , studying under his father, George Macfarren, also a composer. In 1849, he became a student at the Royal Academy of Music in London, where he later became a professor of harmony and composition. Throughout his career, he composed a wide range of music, including operas, oratorios, symphonies, and chamber music.

Macfarren was also a prolific conductor, having led many concerts in the UK, Germany, and Denmark. His most notable achievements as a conductor included his role as the conductor of the Leeds Philharmonic Society and his appointment as assistant conductor at the Covent Garden Opera House.

Macfarren remained an active musician and educator until his death on September 20, 1905, at the age of 79. His legacy lives on through his compositions and his contributions to the development of music education in England through his work at the Royal Academy of Music.

Compositions featuring Walter Cecil Macfarren

# Name Duration Genre Year
1 Konzertstück for piano & orchestra in E minor 11:36 min Concerto 1881
2 Cello Sonata in E minor 20:11 min Chamber Music 185?
3 L'Amitié, Caprice for Piano 6:28 min Keyboard -
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