Home Composers George Alexander Macfarren

George Alexander Macfarren

Short bio George Alexander Macfarren

Birthday: 1813 in London, England
Died: 1887
Genre: Classical
Period: Romantic

Full biography George Alexander Macfarren

photo George Alexander Macfarren

George Alexander Macfarren (1813-1887) was a prominent English composer and musicologist. He was born in London, England, and was the son of George Macfarren, a noted composer, playwright, and painter. Macfarren showed an early aptitude for music and was enrolled in the Royal Academy of Music in 1829 at the age of 16. He went on to become the first professor of music at the newly established University of Cambridge in 1875.

Macfarren was known for his operas, which were mainly comic operas, and he also wrote oratorios, cantatas, and other choral works. He was a prolific composer, with over 300 works to his name, and was also a respected musicologist, writing extensively on music theory and history. His most famous works include the opera "Robin Hood," which premiered in 1860, and his oratorio "St. John the Baptist," which was first performed in 1873.

Macfarren's music was influenced by the works of his contemporaries, including Mozart, Beethoven, and Mendelssohn. He was also known for his advocacy of what he called "English music," which he believed should be developed to rival the classical traditions of the continent. Macfarren's contributions to the development of music education in England were also significant, and his legacy can still be seen in the country's music schools and universities today.

In short, George Alexander Macfarren was an important figure in the development of English music in the nineteenth century, both as a composer and a musicologist, and his contributions to the field continue to be celebrated to this day.

Compositions featuring George Alexander Macfarren

# Name Duration Genre Year
1 She Stoops to Conquer, opera Opera 1864
2 Chevy Chace, overture for orchestra (or piano duet) 8:01 min Orchestral 1836
3 A Widow Bird for clarinet & piano 3:30 min Chamber Music -
4 Hark, Hark, the Lark, for chorus 3:18 min Choral -
5 It Was a Lover and His Lass, for chorus 3:54 min Choral -
6 Orpheus with his lute, for chorus 4:20 min Choral -
7 Pack Clouds Away for clarinet & piano 2:56 min Chamber Music -
8 Psalm 93 "Dominus regnavit" (from St. Paul Psalter) 2:15 min Choral -
9 Take, O Take Those Lips Away, for chorus 2:34 min Choral -
10 Traditions of Shakespeare for clarinet & piano 13:48 min Chamber Music -
11 Variations on the Psalm Tune "Windsor" 11:50 min Keyboard -
12 When Daisies Pied 2:20 min Choral -
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