Home Composers Teo Macero

Teo Macero

Short bio Teo Macero

Birthday: 1925
Died: 2008

Full biography Teo Macero

photo Teo Macero

Teo Macero was an American jazz saxophonist, composer, and record producer. Born on October 30, 1925, in Glens Falls, New York, Macero began his career as a musician before transitioning to producing records. He is perhaps best known for his work producing a series of groundbreaking albums by jazz legend Miles Davis in the late 1960s, including "In a Silent Way" and "Bitches Brew".

Macero was a forward-thinking and innovative producer, experimenting with techniques like tape editing, studio manipulation, and electronic sound synthesis. He worked closely with Davis to create a new kind of jazz that blended elements of rock, funk, and experimental music. Macero's edgy and experimental approach to music production helped push the boundaries of what was possible in jazz music during that time period and beyond.

In addition to his work with Davis, Macero also produced albums for other jazz artists, including Dave Brubeck, Charles Mingus, and Keith Jarrett. He was also an accomplished composer and arranger in his own right, known for his atonal and avant-garde musical style.

Macero passed away on February 19, 2008, at the age of 82. His impact on jazz music, particularly in his groundbreaking work with Miles Davis, cannot be overstated. He is remembered as a visionary producer and composer who helped shape the sound of modern jazz.

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