Home Composers Manuel Machado

Manuel Machado

Short bio Manuel Machado

Birthday: 1590
Died: 1646

Full biography Manuel Machado

photo Manuel Machado

Composer Manuel Machado was a prolific Portuguese composer who lived from 1590 to 1646. He was a notable composer of his time and contributed greatly to the Baroque period of music. Machado's compositions have been performed and recorded by various musicians and ensembles around the world. His works are representative of a style of music that is characterized by intricate rhythms, complex harmonies, and ornate melodies.

Machado's music is diverse, ranging from sacred to secular, and includes pieces for vocal and instrumental ensembles. Some of his most notable works include "Villancicos de Navidad," "Missa do Prncipe," and "Dixit Dominus." His compositions were influenced by the musical traditions of Portugal, Spain, and Italy.

Despite the significant contributions he made to the world of music, Manuel Machado is not as well-known as some of his contemporaries. However, his music has been rediscovered in recent years, and he is recognized as an important figure in the history of Portuguese music.

Albums featuring Manuel Machado

# Сover Name album Year Music label
1 Cover for album: AndaluciaFrancisco Rabal E Asunción Valaguer – Piccola Antologia Spagnola(7 AndaluciaFrancisco Rabal E Asunción Valaguer – Piccola Antologia Spagnola(7", 33 ⅓ RPM) 1962 Istituto Internazionale Del Disco
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