Home Composers Vasily Pashkevich

Vasily Pashkevich

Short bio Vasily Pashkevich

Birthday: 1742
Died: 1797

Full biography Vasily Pashkevich

photo Vasily Pashkevich

Vasily Pashkevich (1742-1797) was a Russian composer, singer, and violinist of Ukrainian origin who lived during the time of Catherine the Great. He was also a renowned teacher who taught at the St. Petersburg Conservatory. Pashkevich was appointed as the court composer for Peter III and subsequently for Catherine the Great.

Pashkevich is best known for his operas, which were highly regarded during his time. He wrote more than 20 operas, including "Fevey," which was based on a libretto by Catherine the Great herself. He also wrote music for other courtly events such as ballets and plays. His musical style was heavily influenced by Italian opera, but he also incorporated elements of Russian folk music.

Aside from his work as a composer, Pashkevich was also an accomplished singer and violinist. He was known for his beautiful tenor voice and virtuosity on the violin. He often performed in his own operas, playing the lead roles and demonstrating his vocal and instrumental prowess.

Overall, Pashkevich was a highly respected and influential figure in the world of music in 18th century Russia. His contributions to the development of the Russian opera were significant, and his works continue to be performed and studied today.

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