Home Composers Marc'Antonio Pasqualini

Marc'Antonio Pasqualini

Short bio Marc'Antonio Pasqualini

Birthday: 1614
Died: 1691

Full biography Marc'Antonio Pasqualini

photo Marc'Antonio Pasqualini

Marc'Antonio Pasqualini (1614-1691) was an Italian composer and castrato (a male singer castrated before puberty to retain a high singing voice). He was born in Rome and trained in the French style of music, which was popular in Italy at the time. Pasqualini was known for his high vocal range and virtuosity, and was regarded as one of the leading castrati of his day.

Pasqualini worked as a singer at the papal court in Rome, where he performed for several popes and other high-ranking church officials. In addition to his singing career, Pasqualini was also a prolific composer, writing more than 250 arias and cantatas. He often set the poetry of the Cardinal Pietro Ottoboni to music, and was also known for his collaborations with artist and friend Andrea Sacchi.

Pasqualini's music was influenced by both the Italian and French styles of the time, and he was known for his melodic invention and innovative use of harmony. His works were performed both in Rome and throughout Italy, and he was highly regarded by his contemporaries.

Today, Pasqualini is perhaps best known for his association with Sacchi's painting "Apollo Crowning the Singer Marc'Antonio Pasqualini," which depicts Pasqualini being crowned by the god Apollo. This painting is regarded as one of Sacchi's masterpieces, and is a testament to the artistic and musical talent of the Italian Baroque era. Despite his considerable fame and success during his lifetime, however, Pasqualini's legacy has largely been overshadowed by that of other Baroque composers such as Bach and Handel. Nonetheless, his contributions to the development of Italian Baroque music and the castrato tradition leave an enduring legacy that continues to be appreciated by music lovers today.

Compositions featuring Marc'Antonio Pasqualini

# Name Duration Genre Year
1 El vals de la egresada, song 2:27 min Vocal Music -
2 Lasciamente o pensieri, cantata for soprano & continuo 8:02 min Vocal Music -
3 Perchè dolce Bambino (On the birth of Our Lord), for voice & continuo 3:24 min Vocal Music -
4 Quel cor ch'a te gia diedi, aria e stile recitativo for soprano & continuo 4:18 min Vocal Music -
5 Si bel volto (from Alessandro Cecconi's collection) 3:20 min Miscellaneous (Classical) -
6 Si ch'io voglio sperare, cantata for soprano & continuo 4:33 min Vocal Music -
7 Sospiri, che fate?, for voice & continuo 6:25 min Vocal Music -
8 Stà forte mio core, for voice & continuo 3:06 min Vocal Music -
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