Home Composers Thomas Whythorne

Thomas Whythorne

Short bio Thomas Whythorne

Birthday: 1528
Died: 1595

Full biography Thomas Whythorne

photo Thomas Whythorne

Thomas Whythorne (1528-1595) was an English composer and writer, known for writing what is considered to be the earliest surviving autobiography in English. He attended Magdalen College School in Oxford and matriculated at Magdalen College.

Whythorne was employed by the Duchess of Northumberland at the Syon House, where he served as a musician and entertained the Queen Elizabeth I. During his time there, he wrote and performed original compositions. Whythorne was known for his proficiency on the lute and the virginals, and he was also a skilful singer.

In addition to his musical talents, Whythorne was known for his skills in writing. He wrote what is now known as the "Earliest known surviving autobiography in English," which was published posthumously. The autobiography provides first-hand accounts of his life and experiences, including his life as a musician and composer during the Tudor period.

Many of Whythorne's works have been lost over the centuries, and only a few copies of his music have survived. However, musicologists still consider him an important figure in the history of English Renaissance music. His compositions combined traditional elements of Renaissance music with a more modern style.

Overall, Thomas Whythorne was an important figure in English Renaissance music and literature. His contributions to music and writing have had a lasting impact and continue to be studied and appreciated today.

Compositions featuring Thomas Whythorne

# Name Duration Genre Year
1 Buy New Broom 1:23 min Miscellaneous (Classical) -
2 When Cupid Has Compelled Me, song 0:42 min Vocal Music -
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