Home Composers Terry Riley

Terry Riley

Short bio Terry Riley

Birthday: 1935 in Colfax, CA
Active: 1950s - 2020s
Genre: Avant-Garde,Classical,Electronic,Jazz

Full biography Terry Riley

photo Terry Riley

Terry Riley is an American composer and performing musician born on June 24 , 1935. He is known for his pioneering contributions to the minimalist school of music. Riley has always been considered difficult to classify as his music defies neat categorization. It is often described as maximal minimalist music.

Riley has had a long and distinguished career in the world of music. He has composed many works, ranging from solo pieces to orchestral works, and has collaborated with many other artists throughout his career. He is also a respected improviser and plays many different instruments.

One of Riley's most famous works is "In C," which he composed in 1964. It is considered to be one of the seminal works of minimalist music. The piece consists of 53 short, interlocking musical phrases, which are repeated and varied by the ensemble as they move through the piece together. Riley has said that the piece can be performed by any group of musicians or instruments and that no two performances are the same.

Throughout his career, Riley has received numerous accolades, including grants from the National Endowment for the Arts and the Guggenheim Foundation. In 2008, he was awarded the prestigious Rolf Schock Prize for Music.

Riley's influence can be seen in the work of many other composers, including John Adams and Steve Reich. His contributions to the world of music have been immense, and his work continues to be celebrated and performed today.

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