Home Composers Simone Molinaro

Simone Molinaro

Short bio Simone Molinaro

Birthday: 1570 in Genoa, Italy
Died: 1633
Genre: Classical
Period: Renaissance

Full biography Simone Molinaro

photo Simone Molinaro

Simone Molinaro was a composer of the late Renaissance in Italy , born around 1570 and died in May 1636. He was particularly renowned for his lute music and was considered one of the leading musicians in Genoa during his time. Molinaro's compositions were highly regarded and he was acknowledged as a model and authority by the great German composer Michael Praetorius.

Despite being a prolific composer , not much is known about Molinaro's life. He wrote music when lute music was reaching its apogee in Europe , and is believed to have written most of his music during the late 16th and early 17th centuries. His works include various dances and fantasias, and were often written for the lute.

Molinaro's compositions were considered elaborate and complex, and were among the most highly regarded of his time. Some of his works can be found in the book "Danze e Fantasie da intavolatura di liuto Libro I Venezia". Molinaro's music can still be enjoyed today and is often studied by scholars of Renaissance music.

In conclusion, Simone Molinaro was a highly respected composer of the late Renaissance in Italy , known for his proficiency with the lute. His compositions were among the most elaborate and complex works of his time , and he was acknowledged as an authority by other great composers of the era. Despite not much being known about his life, Molinaro's music is still enjoyed and studied by enthusiasts of Renaissance music.

Compositions featuring Simone Molinaro

# Name Duration Genre Year
1 Ballo detto il Conte Orlando, for lute 2:28 min Chamber Music 1599
2 Work(s) for lute Chamber Music -
3 Balletto, for lute 2:44 min Chamber Music -
4 Ung gaij bergier (after Thomas Crequillon) for lute 4:42 min Chamber Music -
5 Saltarello, for lute 1:21 min Chamber Music -
6 Saltarello for lute No. 7 1:04 min Chamber Music -
7 Saltarello for lute No. 6 1:07 min Chamber Music -
8 Saltarello for lute No. 5 2:48 min Chamber Music -
9 Saltarello for lute No. 4 1:42 min Chamber Music -
10 Saltarello for lute No. 2 1:03 min Chamber Music -
11 Saltarello for lute No. 1 1:32 min Chamber Music -
12 Saltarello del predetto ballo, for lute 1:16 min Chamber Music -
13 Rossignolet (after Thomas Crequillon) for lute 5:53 min Chamber Music -
14 Pass'e mezzo for lute in mode 6 6:46 min Chamber Music -
15 Pass'e mezo, for lute in mode 4 5:09 min Chamber Music -
16 Pass'e mezo, for lute 6:02 min Chamber Music -
17 Gagliarda, for lute in mode 3 2:00 min Chamber Music -
18 Gagliarda for lute in mode 4 1:53 min Chamber Music -
19 Frais & gaillard (after Clemens non Papa) for lute 4:25 min Chamber Music -
20 Fantasia for lute No. 15 2:30 min Chamber Music -
21 Fantasia for lute No. 14 4:40 min Chamber Music -
22 Fantasia for lute No. 9 3:04 min Chamber Music -
23 Fantasia for lute No. 8 2:43 min Chamber Music -
24 Fantasia for lute No. 6 2:51 min Chamber Music -
25 Fantasia for lute No. 5 3:35 min Chamber Music -
26 Fantasia for lute No. 3 2:17 min Chamber Music -
27 Fantasia for lute No. 2 3:35 min Chamber Music -
28 Fantasia for lute No.10 3:52 min Chamber Music -
29 Fantasia for lute No 1 1:45 min Chamber Music -
30 Canzone a quattro di Gioseppe Guami, for lute 3:31 min Chamber Music -
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