Home Composers Simon Molitor

Simon Molitor

Short bio Simon Molitor

Birthday: 1766
Died: 1848

Full biography Simon Molitor

photo Simon Molitor

Simon Molitor was a German-born Austrian composer, guitarist, violinist, and music historian who lived from November 3, 1766, to February 21, 1848. He was part of the Viennese Guitar School, which included other notable composers such as Mauro Giuliani and Wenzel Thomas Matiegka. Molitor is most well-known for his works for guitar and violin, including his Sonata in F major for Guitar and Violin , which was composed in 1805.

Aside from his skills as a composer, Molitor was also a skilled historian of music. He wrote extensively on the music of the past, especially that of the Baroque era, and was known to be particularly well-versed in the works of Johann Sebastian Bach. In addition, Molitor was also a skilled violinist and conductor, and his performances were widely admired during his lifetime.

Molitor's compositions were renowned for their elegance, technical proficiency, and expressiveness, and he was regarded as a master of his craft. His works were often performed in concert halls throughout Austria and beyond, and he was widely respected by his contemporaries for his contributions to the music of his time.

Today, Molitor's legacy continues to live on through his compositions, with his works for guitar and violin remaining particularly popular among musicians and music enthusiasts. His impact on the Viennese Guitar School and his contributions to the history of music have ensured his place as one of the most important figures in the world of classical music.

Compositions featuring Simon Molitor

# Name Duration Genre Year
1 Adagio & Rondo for guitar, Op. 10 6:51 min Chamber Music -
2 Funeral March, for guitar 5:01 min Chamber Music -
3 Great Sonata, for guitar, Op. 7 20:04 min Chamber Music -
4 Ländler (6), for guitar 6:02 min Chamber Music -
5 Sonata for guitar, Op. 12 15:59 min Chamber Music -
6 Trio Concertant, Op. 6 21:55 min Chamber Music -
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