Home Composers John Christopher Moller

John Christopher Moller

Short bio John Christopher Moller

Birthday: 1755
Died: 1803
Genre: Classical

Full biography John Christopher Moller

photo John Christopher Moller

John Christopher Moller was a prominent early American composer , born on September 21, 1755, and died on October 3, 1803. He is considered one of the first American composers and one of the first music publishers in the United States. Moller was born in Germany and immigrated to the United States in the late 18th century.

Moller had a strong musical background and was trained in playing the harpsichord and organ. He quickly became a prominent musician in Philadelphia, becoming the organist and composer for the Zion German Lutheran Church. Moller also served as the music director for the First Presbyterian Church in Philadelphia.

Moller's compositions were largely influenced by the European classical tradition and included works for piano, chamber music, and vocal music. Unfortunately, many of Moller's original compositions were lost over time, and only a few of his works remain available today. One notable example is the piano Sonata VIII, which is part of the Moravian Music Foundation Collection.

In addition to his work as a composer, Moller was also a music publisher, with his firm publishing music by European composers as well as his own compositions. Moller's publishing efforts were significant in establishing a domestic music industry in the United States in the late 18th century.

Overall, John Christopher Moller made a significant contribution to the early American music scene and helped to establish a foundation for the development of American music in later years.

Compositions featuring John Christopher Moller

# Name Duration Genre Year
1 Sinfonia in E flat major 3:36 min Keyboard -
2 Sonata No. 1 in C major 3:37 min -
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