Home Composers Samuel Lover

Samuel Lover

Short bio Samuel Lover

Birthday: 1797
Died: 1868
Genre: International,Classical

Full biography Samuel Lover

photo Samuel Lover

Samuel Lover, also known as "Ben Trovato," was an Irish songwriter , composer, and novelist who lived from February 24, 1797 to July 6, 1868. He was born in Dublin, Ireland, and was the eldest son of William Frederick Lover. Samuel Lover was known for his artistic works, which celebrated the poorer echelons of Irish society.

Lover was a multi-talented artist who was gifted in many fields. He was a painter of portraits, mainly miniatures, and he was also a musician who composed many songs. Lover's love for music inspired him to compose many Irish ballads and songs, which were highly appreciated by Irish people. Some of his famous songs are "The Four-Leaved Shamrock" and "The Angel's Whisper."

Apart from being an accomplished songwriter and composer, Lover was also a successful novelist. His most famous novel was "Rory O'More" which was published in Ireland in 1837. It was later published in the United States and the United Kingdom and became a huge success.

Throughout his lifetime, Samuel Lover's works were celebrated and appreciated, and he was acknowledged as a significant contributor to Irish literature and music. He toured England, the United States, and Canada, giving recitations, performing songs, and stories, and his one-man show, entitled "Irish Evenings," was well-received.

In conclusion, Samuel Lover was a gifted artist and composer who dedicated his life to celebrating Irish culture and society through his works. His contributions to literature and music have been long-lasting and appreciated by many.

Compositions featuring Samuel Lover

# Name Duration Genre Year
1 Sweet Harp of the Days That Are Gone, song for voice & piano 2:28 min Vocal Music 1915
2 Il Paddy Whack in Italia, opera Opera 1841
3 Il Paddy Whack in Italia, opera Opera 1841
4 The Low Back'd Car (after a traditional Irish tune) 1:48 min Vocal Music -
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