Home Composers Adriano Lualdi

Adriano Lualdi

Short bio Adriano Lualdi

Birthday: 1885
Died: 1971
Genre: Classical

Full biography Adriano Lualdi

photo Adriano Lualdi

Adriano Lualdi was an Italian composer, orchestra conductor, and writer on music. He was born on March 22, 1885, in Larino, Campobasso, Italy, and passed away on January 8, 1971, in Milan, Italy, at the age of 85. Lualdi studied music in Rome and became a prominent figure in Italian music during the fascist period in Italy.

During this time , the Italian government appointed Lualdi as the music director of the Accademia di Santa Cecilia in Rome, one of Italy's oldest and most prestigious music institutions. Lualdi's compositions include music for the opera, intermezzi, and music for the theater. He also wrote on music and was a well-known music critic and commentator.

Although he was a prominent figure during the fascist period, Lualdi's career continued to thrive after World War II. His works were performed by numerous Italian and international orchestras. Lualdi's music is characterized by its lyrical melody and harmonic richness. His work was highly respected by his contemporaries, including the likes of Verdi, Puccini, and Rossini.

Lualdi was the father of the singer Luciano Lualdi, who appeared in several of his father's productions. Lualdi is perhaps best known for his music composed for the Italian opera La Duchessa di Padova, which was well-received by both audiences and critics. The composer also wrote music for the satirical short story by Edgar Allan Poe , "The Devil in the Belfry," which was later turned into an opera and premiered in 1925.

Overall, Adriano Lualdi was a prominent figure in Italian music during the first half of the 20th century. He is remembered for his lyrical melodies, harmonic richness, and contributions to Italian music.

Compositions featuring Adriano Lualdi

# Name Duration Genre Year
1 Le Furie di Arlecchino, opera Opera 1915
2 Dime de sì, venetian song 3:11 min Vocal Music -
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