Home Composers Salvatore Pappalardo

Salvatore Pappalardo

Short bio Salvatore Pappalardo

Birthday: 1817
Died: 1884

Full biography Salvatore Pappalardo

photo Salvatore Pappalardo

Salvatore Pappalardo was an Italian composer and conductor who lived from 1817 to 1884. Born in Naples, Pappalardo received his musical education at the conservatory of San Pietro a Majella in Naples, where he studied composition under the noted composer Nicola Antonio Zingarelli. Pappalardo also worked as a conductor in Naples and was appointed director of the music conservatory in Palermo in 1858.

Pappalardo's output as a composer was significant, and he wrote numerous operas, as well as orchestral, chamber, and vocal music. He was particularly known for his operas, which include works such as "Iginia d'Asti" and "Maria di Navarra". His music often features lush and romantic melodies, and he was considered one of the leading composers of his time.

In addition to his work as a composer, Pappalardo was also a respected teacher, and he taught composition at the Palermo conservatory for many years. He was also highly regarded as a conductor, and he led performances of his own works as well as those of other composers.

Overall, Salvatore Pappalardo was a significant figure in the Italian music scene of the 19th century, known for his beautiful and romantic compositions and his impressive skills as a conductor and teacher. His music continues to be performed and celebrated today.

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