Home Composers Gerard Pape

Gerard Pape

Short bio Gerard Pape

Birthday: 1955
Active: 1980s - 2000s
Genre: Avant-Garde,Classical,Electronic

Full biography Gerard Pape

photo Gerard Pape

Gerard Pape is a composer, performer, teacher, and writer known for his pioneering work in the field of electroacoustic music. He was born in Brooklyn, New York, and studied music at Columbia College in New York City. Pape has been based in France since the 1970s and is currently the director of the Center for the Composition of Music Iannis Xenakis (CCMIX) in Paris.

Pape's music is characterized by its innovative use of computer technology and its exploration of the intersection between acoustic and electronic sound. His works range from large-scale electroacoustic compositions to solo pieces for acoustic instruments with live electronics. Pape is particularly interested in exploring the spatial aspects of sound, and many of his works are designed for multichannel surround sound systems.

In addition to his work as a composer, Pape has been a key figure in the development of computer music as a field. He has taught at several institutions, including the University of Paris VIII and the University of California, San Diego, and has written extensively on computer music and electroacoustic composition. Pape is also a psychoanalyst and has explored the connections between music and psychoanalysis in his work.

Pape's music has been performed and commissioned by leading ensembles and organizations around the world, including the Ensemble InterContemporain, IRCAM, the Paris Opera, and the New York Philharmonic. He has also released several recordings of his work, including the album "Electroacoustic Works, Vol. 1" on Mode Records.

Overall, Gerard Pape is an important figure in the world of contemporary music, known for his innovative contributions to the fields of computer music and electroacoustic composition.

Albums featuring Gerard Pape

# Сover Name album Year Music label
1 Cover for album: Lux Fugit(CD, Album) Lux Fugit(CD, Album) 2015 Stradivarius
2 Cover for album: Gerard Pape - Erik Drescher, Olga Krashenko, CLSI String Ensemble, Ensemble Gerard Pape - Erik Drescher, Olga Krashenko, CLSI String Ensemble, Ensemble "U", Estonian National Symphony Orchestra, Risto Joost, Gerard Pape – Harmonies(CD, Album) 2015 Mode
3 Cover for album: Ascension To Purgatory(CD, ) Ascension To Purgatory(CD, ) 2006 mode
4 Cover for album: Luigi Nono - Voxnova, Carol Robinson, Gerard Pape – Voices Of Protest(CD, ) Luigi Nono - Voxnova, Carol Robinson, Gerard Pape – Voices Of Protest(CD, ) 2000 Mode
5 Cover for album: Electroacoustic Chamber Works(CD, Album) Electroacoustic Chamber Works(CD, Album) 1998 Mode
6 Cover for album: Gérard Pape - Arditti Quartet, William Allbright (2), Thomas Buckner, Janet Pape, Prism Orchestra, Ann Arbor Chamber Orchestra – Gérard Pape(CD, Album, Stereo) Gérard Pape - Arditti Quartet, William Allbright (2), Thomas Buckner, Janet Pape, Prism Orchestra, Ann Arbor Chamber Orchestra – Gérard Pape(CD, Album, Stereo) 1991 Mode
7 Cover for album: Opera / Orchestra / Electronic Music(CD, ) Opera / Orchestra / Electronic Music(CD, ) - Edition Modern

Videos featuring Gerard Pape

Mode 167: Gerard Pape - Ascension to Purgatory | For Maurizio


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