Home Composers Desire Pâque

Desire Pâque

Short bio Desire Pâque

Birthday: 1867
Died: 1939
Genre: Classical

Full biography Desire Pâque

photo Desire Pâque

Desire Pâque was a Belgian composer born in Tournai on December 20, 1867. He began his musical studies at a young age and eventually enrolled at the Conservatory of Brussels, where he studied composition with François-Auguste Gevaert and violin with Martin Pierre Marsick. After completing his studies, Pâque quickly established himself as a prodigious composer, often receiving critical acclaim for his orchestral works and chamber music.

In addition to his original compositions, Pâque was also known for his arrangements and transcriptions of other composers' works. He frequently adapted pieces by such notable figures as Richard Wagner and Claude Debussy for chamber ensembles, and his arrangements were well-regarded for their sensitivity and musicality.

Despite his considerable talent, Pâque's life was marked by personal tragedy. His wife passed away when he was still relatively young, and he suffered a debilitating stroke in 1919 that severely limited his ability to compose. Nevertheless, he continued to work and remained an active member of the Belgian musical community until his passing in Ixelles on December 22, 1943.

Today, Pâque is perhaps best remembered for his contributions to classical music, which continue to inspire and captivate listeners around the world. His legacy is a testament to his innovative spirit and his enduring love of music.

Compositions featuring Desire Pâque

# Name Duration Genre Year
1 Canon for organ 4:07 min -
2 Piano Sonata No. 3 13:59 min Keyboard -
3 Piano Sonata No. 1 15:39 min Keyboard -
4 Piano Sonata No. 2 18:31 min Keyboard -
5 Piano Sonata No. 4 14:33 min Keyboard -
6 Piano Sonata No. 5 16:48 min Keyboard -
7 Pièce for organ, Op. 80 3:30 min Keyboard -
8 String Quartet No. 2, Op. 30 21:46 min -
9 String Quartet No. 5, Op. 44 18:27 min -
10 String Quartet No. 7, Op. 96 26:46 min -
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