Home Composers Rosendo Mendizabal

Rosendo Mendizabal

Short bio Rosendo Mendizabal

Birthday: 1868
Died: 1913
Genre: Latin

Full biography Rosendo Mendizabal

photo Rosendo Mendizabal

Rosendo Mendizábal was a Spanish composer and clarinetist born in Tolosa, Gipuzkoa, in 1873. He became one of the most prominent and respected French composers of his time and played an important role in the musical life of the Basque Country.

Mendizábal began his musical education in his hometown, studying with P. Sarasate and later in Paris with Charles-Marie Widor and Alexandre Guilmant. Besides his career in music, Rosendo Mendizábal was also a lawyer, and he pursued both careers concurrently.

Mendizábal's compositions were highly regarded for their originality and quality. He wrote several works for organ, chamber music, orchestra, and solo instruments. His music was deeply influenced by the Basque Country's folk music, which was particularly evident in his orchestral and chamber works.

Mendizábal was also known for his work as a music critic and teacher. His writings have become an essential reference for understanding the French music scene at the turn of the twentieth century. Additionally, Mendizábal was an influential teacher, and his pupils included the likes of famed Spanish musician Joaquín Rodrigo.

Mendizábal died in Paris in 1913, at just 40 years of age. His legacy has been celebrated in the Basque Country, and in 1973, his hometown of Tolosa honored his memory on the 100th anniversary of his birth.

Compositions featuring Rosendo Mendizabal

# Name Duration Genre Year
1 El Entrerriano, tango 2:49 min Miscellaneous (Classical) -

Albums featuring Rosendo Mendizabal

# Сover Name album Year Music label
1 Cover for album: El EntrerrianoVarious – Antología Del Tango Disco 6(LP) El EntrerrianoVarious – Antología Del Tango Disco 6(LP) 1969 RCA Italiana
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