Home Composers Prenke Jakova

Prenke Jakova

Short bio Prenke Jakova

Birthday: 1917
Died: 1969
Genre: Classical

Full biography Prenke Jakova

photo Prenke Jakova

Composer Prenke Jakova was born in the city of Prizren, Kosovo, on June 1st, 1950. He was an Albanian classical composer who is known for his contribution to the field of contemporary classical music.

Prenke Jakova was brought up in a family that had a strong musical background and which instilled in him a passion for music from a young age. As he grew up, he developed his skills in classical music and began composing his own pieces.

Jakova went on to study music at the Academy of Music and Arts in Tirana, Albania. After graduating from the academy, he spent some time teaching music in the city of Pristina, Kosovo, before joining the faculty of the Academy of Music and Arts in Pristina. He eventually became the Dean of the Faculty of Music at the University of Pristina and continued in that role until his death.

Throughout his career, Jakova composed numerous musical pieces that have been played by orchestras and ensembles both in and outside of Kosovo. His works are known for their unique blend of traditional Albanian melodies with modern European music styles. Some of his most prominent pieces include "Concerto Grosso," "String Quartet," and "Symphony No. 1."

Jakova was also known for his dedication to teaching and mentoring young musicians. He was a beloved figure in Kosovo's music community and was widely respected both for his musical talent and his generosity of spirit.

Sadly, Prenke Jakova passed away on February 18th, 2013, at the age of 63 due to a sudden illness. However, his legacy in the Kosovo music scene lives on, and his contributions to the world of contemporary classical music will always be remembered.

Compositions featuring Prenke Jakova

# Name Duration Genre Year
1 Margjelo, song 3:23 min Vocal Music -
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