Home Composers Edward Jakobowski

Edward Jakobowski

Short bio Edward Jakobowski

Birthday: 1858
Died: 1927

Full biography Edward Jakobowski

photo Edward Jakobowski

Edward Jakobowski was an English composer born on April 17, 1856, in London, and passed away on April 29, 1929. He was known for his compositions in the musical theatre genre and gained popularity for his comic opera Erminie, which was first performed in London in 1885. The opera was also staged in New York and became one of the most successful and popular musicals of the time, with runs lasting for several years.

Jakobowski's father was of Austrian-Polish descent and his mother was Irish-English. He started as a violinist and played in various orchestras before deciding to focus on composing. Besides Erminie, Jakobowski composed several other operas and operettas, including The Broken Melody, The Geisha, A Runaway Girl, and Cinderella. He collaborated with various librettists, including Adrian Ross, Harry B. Smith, and Harry Paulton.

Jakobowski's compositions were known for their catchy melodies and bright orchestration. He was one of the composers who contributed to the development of British musical theatre, which became a significant part of popular culture.

In addition to his musical career, Jakobowski was a keen amateur photographer and a member of the Royal Photographic Society. While his music may not be as well-known today, his contributions to British musical theatre and his impact on the genre cannot be ignored.

Compositions featuring Edward Jakobowski

# Name Duration Genre Year
1 Erminie, opera Opera -
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