Home Composers Philip James

Philip James

Short bio Philip James

Birthday: 1890
Died: 1975
Genre: Pop/Rock,Classical

Full biography Philip James

photo Philip James

Based on the search results, there are a few individuals named Philip James who are involved in music. However, there doesn't seem to be one specific composer named Philip James.

Philip James Bailey is an American R&B, soul, gospel, and funk singer, songwriter, and percussionist. Philip Glass is a prolific American composer known for his minimalist style. Philip James Selway is a drummer for the English rock band Radiohead. Philip Elizalde is a DJ, music composer, and co-founder of Threshold Films. Philip James Kerr was a person who has passed away and was not known to be a composer. James Clifford Brown was a composer based on the mention in the search results. And there is also Anthony Philip Heinrich, who was an early American composer.

It is possible that there are other composers named Philip James, but based on the available search results, it is not clear who the composer Philip James might be.

Compositions featuring Philip James

# Name Duration Genre Year
1 Fête for organ 5:25 min Keyboard 1921
2 By The Waters of Babylon 5:42 min Miscellaneous (Classical) -
3 Méditation à Ste. Clotilde, for organ 9:57 min Keyboard -
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