Home Composers Pierre Passereau

Pierre Passereau

Short bio Pierre Passereau

Birthday: 1509
Died: 1547
Genre: Classical
Period: Renaissance

Full biography Pierre Passereau

photo Pierre Passereau

Pierre Passereau was a French composer born in the late 15th century, and he lived until the mid-16th century. Along with Clément Janequin, he was one of the most popular composers of chansons in Renaissance France. Not much is known about his life and details are mostly sparse, but he specialized in light-hearted chansons and wrote some of the finest examples of the genre. Passereau's music was characterized by its lively rhythms, catchy melodies, and clever word painting.

Passereau's most famous chanson is "Il est bel et bon," which depicts a group of women making fun of a husband who is henpecked by his wife. This song has been widely performed and recorded over the centuries and remains well-known today. He also composed several other chansons that were highly popular in his time, including "Belle, pour l'amour de vous," which is often performed today by early music ensembles.

Despite his popularity and success during his lifetime, Passereau's music fell into obscurity in the centuries following his death and, until fairly recently, he was relatively unknown. However, his music has experienced something of a revival in recent years thanks to the efforts of early music performers and ensembles, who have recorded and performed his chansons with renewed enthusiasm.

Overall, Pierre Passereau was an important figure in the development of French Renaissance music, particularly in the genre of chansons, and his music remains admired and enjoyed by music lovers and aficionados today.

Compositions featuring Pierre Passereau

# Name Duration Genre Year
1 Il est bel et bon, commere, mon mary (Chansons musicales, Paris 1534) 1:28 min Vocal Music 1534
2 Cuer est bon 3:07 min Miscellaneous (Classical) -
3 Gaillarde pour luth 1:33 min -
4 Porquoy donc 2:33 min Miscellaneous (Classical) -
5 Près Bethléem dans une éstable 1:37 min Vocal Music -
6 Un petit coup (attrib. to Janequin also) 1:43 min Vocal Music -
7 Unde veniet auxilium mihi 6:15 min Choral -

Albums featuring Pierre Passereau

# Сover Name album Year Music label
1 Cover for album: C. Monteverdi, G. Costeley, Passereau, L. Marenzio, C. De Rore, C. Gesualdo Da Venosa, J. Arcadelt, R. Jones - The Deller Consort – Les Maitres Du Madrigal(LP, Stereo) C. Monteverdi, G. Costeley, Passereau, L. Marenzio, C. De Rore, C. Gesualdo Da Venosa, J. Arcadelt, R. Jones - The Deller Consort – Les Maitres Du Madrigal(LP, Stereo) - Amadeo
2 Cover for album: Byrd, Passereau, Redford, Costeley, Gibbons, Farrant, Janequin, Victoria, De Sermisy, Josquin / The Nonesuch Singers, Ronald Dale Smith - The Open Score Society, Francis Cameron – Choral Masterpieces Of The Renaissance(LP) Byrd, Passereau, Redford, Costeley, Gibbons, Farrant, Janequin, Victoria, De Sermisy, Josquin / The Nonesuch Singers, Ronald Dale Smith - The Open Score Society, Francis Cameron – Choral Masterpieces Of The Renaissance(LP) - Period Records
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