Home Composers Georg von Pasterwitz

Georg von Pasterwitz

Short bio Georg von Pasterwitz

Birthday: 1730
Died: 1803

Full biography Georg von Pasterwitz

photo Georg von Pasterwitz

Georg von Pasterwitz was an Austrian composer and Catholic priest who was born on March 7 , 1730, in Bierhtte bei Hohenau, Bavaria, and died on January 26, 1803, in Kremsmnster, Austria. During his lifetime, he was a prolific composer who wrote both vocal and instrumental music, with his main claim to fame being the Requiem Mass that he composed.

According to the search results, Pasterwitz wrote twelve concertos, a Magnificat in C, and instrumental church music that is stored in the Wilhering Abbey. He also composed 300 Themata und Versetten , Op. 4; 3 Keyboard Trios, B.474476; and Violin Concerto No.7 in A minor , Op. 9.

Pasterwitz's music primarily belongs to the classical era, which spanned from roughly 1730 to 1820, and he was one of the many composers who contributed to this musical period's rich heritage. He has been listed on Wikipedia's List of Classical-era composers alongside other renowned composers like Antonio Sacchini and Ignaz Pleyel.

Overall, Georg von Pasterwitz, with his significant contribution to classical music, is one of the notable composers of the classical era, even though he might not be a household name like Mozart or Beethoven.

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