Home Composers Paolo Lorenzani

Paolo Lorenzani

Short bio Paolo Lorenzani

Birthday: 1640
Died: 1713
Genre: Classical
Period: Baroque

Full biography Paolo Lorenzani

photo Paolo Lorenzani

Paolo Lorenzani was an Italian composer born in Rome in 1640. He was active during the Baroque era. While he spent some time living in France, he also composed music in his native Italy. Lorenzani is known for his motets, which are compositions for voices and continuo, as well as for his Litany of Our Lady. He is also known for his pastoral, Nicandro e Fileno, which he composed in 1681 while living in Paris. Lorenzani's music was influenced by the style of the French court as well as by Italian Baroque music. He died in 1713.

Compositions featuring Paolo Lorenzani

# Name Duration Genre Year
1 Nicandro e Fileno, pastorale 65:02 min Opera 1681
2 Motet pour l'élévation (Motet for the Elevation) 9:51 min -
3 Motet pour les confesseurs (Motet for the Confessors) 11:19 min -
4 Motet pour tous les tempse (Motet for All Occasions) 11:28 min -
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