Home Composers Albert Lortzing

Albert Lortzing

Short bio Albert Lortzing

Birthday: 1801 in Berlin, Germany
Died: 1851 in Berlin, Germany
Genre: Classical
Period: Romantic

Full biography Albert Lortzing

photo Albert Lortzing

Albert Lortzing was a German composer, actor, librettist and singer who lived in the 19th century. He is well known for establishing the style of light German opera, known as Spieloper, which combined comedy, spoken dialogue, and musical numbers into a unified whole. Lortzing was born on October 23, 1801, in Berlin, and he developed a keen interest in music at an early age. He began his career as a singer and actor, performing in various theaters across Germany and Austria.

In addition to his work as a performer, Lortzing composed many operas and songs, and he is perhaps best known for his comic operas, such as "Zar und Zimmermann" and "Der Wildschütz." His works were characterized by their clever plots, memorable melodies, and wide appeal. Lortzing's music also reflected his social and political views, and he often used his operas as a means of commenting on contemporary issues.

Throughout his life, Lortzing struggled with financial difficulties, and he was forced to work tirelessly to support his family. Despite these challenges, he continued to compose and perform until his death on January 21, 1851. Today, Lortzing is remembered as one of Germany's most important composers, and his works continue to be performed and enjoyed around the world.

Compositions featuring Albert Lortzing

# Name Duration Genre Year
1 Die Opernprobe, opera 49:10 min Opera 1850
2 Undine, opera 156:21 min Opera 1845
3 Der Wildschütz, opera 115:54 min Opera 1842
4 Casanova, opera Opera 1841
5 Zar und Zimmermann, opera 118:32 min Opera 1837
6 Szenen aus Mozarts Leben, singspiel 58:06 min Opera 1832
7 Der Weihnachtsabend (Christmas Eve), opera Opera 1832
8 Lebe wohl, mein flandrisch Mädchen, for 3 male voices, a cappella, LoWV 84 3:52 min Vocal Music -
9 Ernste und heitere Festgesänge, for 4 male voices, a cappella, LoWV 67 17:38 min Vocal Music -
10 Morgen wieder, lieber Wald, for 4 male voices, a cappella, LoWV 107 3:42 min Vocal Music -
11 Regina, opera 136:22 min Opera -
12 Scheiden, Lieden, for 4 male voices, a cappella, LoWV 105 4:12 min Vocal Music -
13 Scherzhafte Gesänge (3), for 4 male voices, a cappella, LoWV 104 9:52 min Vocal Music -
14 Spielmann's Lied, for 4 male voices, a cappella, LoWV 106 4:50 min Vocal Music -
15 Tonkunst, for 4 male voices, a cappella, LoWV 79 1:40 min Vocal Music -
16 Trauerchor "Herr der Welt, ein frommer Pilger", for 4 male voices, a cappella, LoWV 87 3:10 min Vocal Music -
17 Weinland 2:18 min Vocal Music -
18 Würde der Frauen, for 4 male voices, a cappella, LoWV A-2 1:40 min Vocal Music -
19 Zum Grossadmiral, opera Opera -
20 Jaglied aus "Der Wildschütz", LoWV 58/5 2:31 min Vocal Music -
21 Hans Sachs, opera 89:18 min Opera -
22 Abschied, for 4 male voices, a cappella, LoWV 73 3:25 min Vocal Music -
23 Don Juan and Faust, incidental music 11:04 min Orchestral -
24 Die Himmelfahrt Jesu Christi, oratorio for soloists, chorus & orchestra 56:26 min Choral -
25 Die Beiden Schutzen 89:41 min Opera -
26 Der Waffenschmied, opera 112:25 min Opera -
27 Der Pole und Sein Kind, singspiel 6:26 min Opera -
28 Concert piece for horn & orchestra in E major 13:20 min Concerto -
29 Chöre für die Freimaurerloge "Zum goldenen Rade" Osnabrück, LoWV 19 Vocal Music -
30 Berliner Weißbierlied 2:03 min Vocal Music -
31 Bedenke wohl, for 4 male voices, a cappella, LoWV 71 1:15 min Vocal Music -
32 Andreas Hofer, opera Opera -
33 Ali Pascha Von Janina, songspiel 63:04 min Vocal Music -
34 Ahnungsvoll, for 4 male voices, a cappella, LoWV 70 4:47 min Vocal Music -
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