Home Composers Francisco Losada

Francisco Losada

Short bio Francisco Losada

Birthday: 1612
Died: 1667

Full biography Francisco Losada

photo Francisco Losada

Francisco Losada was a Spanish composer and conductor born in 1612 and died in 1667. He is considered one of the prominent composers from Spain during his time. Not much is known about his personal life, but his contributions to music have been recognized. His compositions include sacred music such as hymns and motets, and he also created works for the theater. Some of his notable works include "Martyrdom of Saint Bartholomew" and "Ascension Motet." Francisco Losada was known for his creativity and unique approach to composing music. His works demonstrate his mastery of intricate harmonies, counterpoint, and rhythm. Some of his compositions were published during his lifetime, and others were discovered after his death. Francisco Losada left a significant legacy in the music industry, inspiring many composers who came after him.

Compositions featuring Francisco Losada

# Name Duration Genre Year
1 A Penas nace este Niño, villancico 7:49 min Choral -

Albums featuring Francisco Losada

# Сover Name album Year Music label
1 Cover for album: Como El FuegoRégulo Ramírez – La Mas Bella Del Mundo(7 Como El FuegoRégulo Ramírez – La Mas Bella Del Mundo(7", 45 RPM, EP) 1958 Odeon
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