Home Composers Paolo Longo

Paolo Longo

Short bio Paolo Longo

Birthday: 1967

Full biography Paolo Longo

photo Paolo Longo

Paolo Longo is a composer and conductor who was born in Trieste, Italy in 1967. He studied piano, composition, and conducting, and graduated with highest honors. Longo's search for a personal ideal sound world is a constant among many of his artistic approaches. He has worked on various compositions for piano, orchestra, choir, and theater, and his music has been performed in Italy, the United States, and other parts of the world. One of his pieces, Monologo Primo, was featured on SoundCloud. Longo has also received numerous awards for his work, including the Albertson-Variations award at the Red Note New Music Festival in 2014. Additionally, Longo is a musician with the U.S. Army stationed at West Point.

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