Home Composers Antoine de Longueval

Antoine de Longueval

Short bio Antoine de Longueval

Birthday: 1498
Died: 1525

Full biography Antoine de Longueval

photo Antoine de Longueval

Antoine de Longueval was a French composer born in the early 16th century. Not much is known about his personal life or career, and he is not as well-known as some of his contemporaries such as Josquin des Prez or Clément Janequin. However, Longueval is remembered for his contributions to the development of a distinctly French chanson style.

Longueval's chansons are characterized by their lively rhythms and intricate polyphonic structures. They were often written for four or five voices, with each voice contributing to a rich tapestry of sound. Longueval's use of canonic imitation - a technique where one voice imitates another at a specific interval - was particularly noteworthy and influenced many other composers of the time.

Longueval's most famous chanson is arguably "Ce moys de may", which has been recorded and performed by many vocal ensembles over the years. The piece is a pastoral love song, with the narrator expressing his love for a beautiful shepherdess. The music is light and airy, with gentle rhythms and a beautifully woven vocal texture.

Despite his relative obscurity, Longueval's contributions to the development of the chanson in France were significant. His music brought a new level of sophistication and elegance to an already well-established genre, and his influence can still be heard in the work of composers today.

Albums featuring Antoine de Longueval

# Сover Name album Year Music label
1 Cover for album: Passio Domini Nostri A Quatre VoixLa Chapelle Des Ducs De Savoie – Les Musiques De La Cour De Savoie(CD, ) Passio Domini Nostri A Quatre VoixLa Chapelle Des Ducs De Savoie – Les Musiques De La Cour De Savoie(CD, ) 2008 Revue Musicale De Suisse Romande
2 Cover for album: Passion Selon Saint-MathieuEnsemble Vocal Et Instrumental Roger Blanchard Direction: Roger Blanchard - Trio De Flûte À Bec Pierre Poulteau – Musique De Cour Et De Cérémonie Au XVIème Siècle Passion Selon Saint-MathieuEnsemble Vocal Et Instrumental Roger Blanchard Direction: Roger Blanchard - Trio De Flûte À Bec Pierre Poulteau – Musique De Cour Et De Cérémonie Au XVIème Siècle 1964 Le Club Français Du Disque
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