Home Composers Alessandro Longo

Alessandro Longo

Short bio Alessandro Longo

Birthday: 1864 in Amantea, Italy
Died: 1945 in Naples, Italy
Genre: Classical

Full biography Alessandro Longo

photo Alessandro Longo

Alessandro Longo was an Italian composer, pianist, and music educator who was born in 1864 in Naples, Italy. He had a strong passion for music from a young age and started composing at the age of fifteen. In 1888 he founded the Naples Conservatory Quartet alongside three other musicians.

Longo is known for his piano compositions, which have been praised for their technical complexity and emotional depth. His compositions include studies, exercises, and sonatas that were widely studied by students of the time. One of his most notable works is a set of six Prelude e Fughe, which are still performed by pianists today.

Longo was also a respected music educator and served as director of the Naples Conservatory from 1919 until his death in 1940. During his tenure, he worked to improve the education of music students, and his teaching methods were highly regarded throughout Italy. He also worked to promote the works of Italian composers, including Vincenzo Bellini and Gioachino Rossini.

Overall, Alessandro Longo was an accomplished musician, composer, and educator who contributed significantly to the field of music. His compositions continue to be studied and performed by musicians today.

Compositions featuring Alessandro Longo

# Name Duration Genre Year
1 Suite for bassoon & piano 12:54 min Chamber Music -
2 Suite for clarinet & piano, Op. 62 15:38 min Chamber Music -
3 Suite for flute & piano, Op. 68 14:52 min Chamber Music -
4 Suite for oboe & piano, Op .63 11:11 min Chamber Music -
5 Suite for oboe & piano, Op. 65 13:08 min Chamber Music -
6 Theme & variations for bassoon & piano, Op. 69 14:14 min Chamber Music -
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