Home Composers Norbert Walter Peters

Norbert Walter Peters

Short bio Norbert Walter Peters

Birthday: 1954

Full biography Norbert Walter Peters

photo Norbert Walter Peters

Norbert Walter Peters is a German composer, sound artist, and author for Radio Art. He was born on March 17, 1954, in Stolberg (Rhld.) / district of Aachen. Peters is known for his innovative and experimental approach to music, and his compositions often reflect contemporary social and cultural issues.

He has been featured in several music festivals, including the JukeBoxx NewMusic festival, where his piece "Quadrantaria" was performed by a harp, cello, and English horn ensemble. Peters has also been a participant in the Oct 20, 2019 World Bank event and other similar groups.

Aside from his career in music, Peters has also written several books on Radio Art and its related fields. His work has been recognized internationally, and he has won numerous awards for his contributions to contemporary music.

Overall, Norbert Walter Peters is a highly respected and innovative composer and author who has made significant contributions to the world of music and radio art.

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