Home Composers David Petersen

David Petersen

Short bio David Petersen

Birthday: 1651
Died: 1737
Genre: Pop/Rock,Classical

Full biography David Petersen

photo David Petersen

There are a few individuals with the name David Petersen, so it is important to provide some context. From the search results provided, there are two David Petersens mentioned who are musicians and composers.

First, there is David Richard Petersen, who passed away unexpectedly in 2022 at the age of 43 due to complications from liver failure. According to his obituary, Dave was described as a gifted musician and brilliant engineer , with a kind heart and quick wit. While there is not a lot of information available about his musical career, it is clear that he was well-regarded by those who knew him.

The second David Petersen mentioned is a composer, musician, and symphony orchestra conductor. He is the Director of Beaufort 9 Films and his profile on LinkedIn suggests that he has had a long and successful career in the music industry. Unfortunately, there is not much information available about his specific musical accomplishments or works outside of his professional experience.

In addition to these two men, there is also David E. Petersen, whose obituary appeared in the search results, but he does not appear to be a composer or musician.

Finally, there is David Benioff, who is mentioned in the search results as the writer of the film "Troy" directed by Wolfgang Petersen. However, he is not a composer or musician.

In summary, while there are a few David Petersens mentioned in the search results, the available information suggests that Dave Richard Petersen was a gifted musician, and the Director of Beaufort 9 Films's David Petersen is a composer, musician, and symphony orchestra conductor.

Compositions featuring David Petersen

# Name Duration Genre Year
1 Schriet niet meer 4:39 min Miscellaneous (Classical) -
2 Sonata No 1 for violin & continuo 10:06 min Chamber Music -
3 Sonata No 2 for violin & continuo 8:38 min Chamber Music -
4 Sonata No 4 for violin & continuo 7:54 min Chamber Music -
5 Sonata No 5 for violin & continuo 5:40 min Chamber Music -
6 Sonata No 6 for violin & continuo 7:20 min Chamber Music -
7 Sonata No 7 for violin & continuo 6:55 min Chamber Music -
8 Sonata No 9 for violin & continuo 4:17 min Chamber Music -
9 Sonata No 10 for violin & continuo 5:25 min Chamber Music -
10 Sonata No 12 for violin & continuo 11:20 min Chamber Music -
11 Violin Sonata No. 1 Chamber Music -
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