Home Composers Wilhelm Petersen

Wilhelm Petersen

Short bio Wilhelm Petersen

Birthday: 1890 in Athens, Greece
Died: 1957
Genre: Classical

Full biography Wilhelm Petersen

photo Wilhelm Petersen

Wilhelm Petersen (15 March 1890 – 18 December 1957) was a German composer and conductor ). He was also a prolific writer of lyric and dramatic poetry, and was associated with the circle of Stefan George, a group of writers and artists who aimed to revive the values of the Classical and Romantic eras in art and literature. Petersen was an apprentice conductor in Hamburg before serving in World War I. After the war, he continued his musical studies in Berlin and later became a conductor at the Königsberg Opera.

Despite his talent and versatility, Petersen was not widely recognized as a great composer during his lifetime as he did not move with the times, according to some critics. Nevertheless, his works display a mastery of traditional musical forms and a unique voice that merits attention. Some of his notable compositions include his Symphony No. 3 and Symphony No. 5, both available as sheet music and recordings.

In addition to composing and conducting, Petersen was deeply interested in literature and wrote a considerable amount of poetry. Some of his poetry deals with themes of nature, love, and loss, while others are more philosophical in nature. Petersen's work as a poet and composer are interrelated, as his compositions often set his own texts or those of his contemporaries.

In conclusion, Wilhelm Petersen was a multi-talented artist whose legacy is worth exploring for those interested in German art and culture of the early 20th century.

Compositions featuring Wilhelm Petersen

# Name Duration Genre Year
1 Grosse Messe, Op 27 67:59 min Choral -
2 Miniatures (4), for violin & piano, Op. 38 38:07 min Chamber Music -
3 Piano Quartet in C minor, Op. 42 34:23 min Chamber Music -
4 Präludium and Fugue, for violin & piano, Op. 11 13:59 min Chamber Music -
5 Small Pieces (4), for violin & piano, Op. 37 12:06 min Chamber Music -
6 Sonata for violin & piano No. 1 in D minor, Op. 6 27:31 min Chamber Music -
7 Sonata for violin & piano No. 2 in B minor, Op. 22 14:25 min Chamber Music -
8 Sonata for violin & piano No. 3 in C minor, Op. 43 11:24 min Chamber Music -
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