Home Composers Nicholas Lens

Nicholas Lens

Short bio Nicholas Lens

Birthday: 1957 in Ieper, Belgium
Active: 1980s - 2020s
Genre: Classical,Avant-Garde

Full biography Nicholas Lens

photo Nicholas Lens

Nicholas Lens is a contemporary composer known for his unique and boundary-pushing approach to classical music. Born in Belgium in 1957, Lens began his musical career in the early 1980s, writing and performing in a variety of avant-garde and experimental music groups.

Throughout his career, Lens has been fascinated by the intersection of classical and popular music, and his works often incorporate elements of rock, electronic music, and other genres. His compositions are characterized by their complex and layered textures, as well as their haunting melodies and unconventional harmonies.

One of Lens's most famous works is the opera "Shell Shock," which premiered in 2014 to critical acclaim. The opera tells the story of a soldier suffering from post-traumatic stress disorder, and features an innovative, multimedia staging that includes live actors, video projections, and a full orchestra.

In addition to his work as a composer, Lens is also a respected visual artist and filmmaker. Many of his works incorporate elements of both music and visual art, creating immersive, multi-sensory experiences for audiences.

Despite his many accomplishments, Lens remains a fiercely independent artist, dedicated to pushing the boundaries of classical music and exploring new creative frontiers. Whether he is creating new operas, music videos, or visual art installations, Lens continues to be one of the most innovative and daring artists working in music today.

Compositions featuring Nicholas Lens

# Name Duration Genre Year
1 L.I.T.A.N.I.E.S., opera 62:38 min Opera 2020
2 Amor Aeternus, opera 75:44 min Opera -
3 Deliciae Meae 2:02 min Miscellaneous (Classical) -
4 Flamma Flamma: the Fire Requiem 75:41 min Choral -
5 Orrori del'Amore, for voices & orchestra 2:20 min Vocal Music -
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