Home Composers Alfonso Leng

Alfonso Leng

Short bio Alfonso Leng

Birthday: 1894
Died: 1974

Full biography Alfonso Leng

photo Alfonso Leng

Alfonso Leng Haygus was a post-romantic composer of classical music born on February 11 , 1884, in Santiago, Chile. He was a self-taught composer and dentist by profession. He is known for his contributions to classical music, having composed several notable works in his lifetime. Leng's music was heavily influenced by the romanticism of the late 19th century and early 20th century. Some of his well-known works include the opera "Dolores," the ballet "Fantasía," and the symphonic poems "Exótica" and "Crisol." Leng died on November 11, 1974, leaving behind a rich legacy of classical music compositions.

Compositions featuring Alfonso Leng

# Name Duration Genre Year
1 Doloras, Poems for piano 8:04 min Keyboard 1901

Albums featuring Alfonso Leng

# Сover Name album Year Music label
1 Cover for album: Diez Lieder / Sonatas Nº1 y Nº2(LP, Stereo) Diez Lieder / Sonatas Nº1 y Nº2(LP, Stereo) 1974 Asfona
2 Cover for album: Alfonso Leng / Elvira Savi / Ivonne Boulanger / Victor Tevah – La Muerte de Alsino (Poema Symphonico / Siete Canciones(LP, Album) Alfonso Leng / Elvira Savi / Ivonne Boulanger / Victor Tevah – La Muerte de Alsino (Poema Symphonico / Siete Canciones(LP, Album) - RCA Victor

Videos featuring Alfonso Leng

Alfonso Leng ‎– Diez Lieder / Sonatas Nº1 y Nº2 (1974)

*No poseo los derechos de autor de esta obra, solo la difundo como una forma de colaborar con la historia de la industria fonográfica chilena.

Alfonso Leng ‎– Diez Lieder / Sonatas Nº1 y Nº2

(1974, Asfona ‎– VBS-452)


1- Fragst

Contralto – Carmen

Alfonso Leng (1884-1974) : La muerte de Alsino, symphonic poem (1922)

Alfonso Leng (1884-1974) (Chili)

La muerte de Alsino, symphonic poem (1922)

Dir : Gisele Ben-Dor

On collectionCB3 we can also listen to Alfonso Leng's « Fantasy for Piano and orchestra » (1936).


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