Home Composers Mohamed El Qasabgi

Mohamed El Qasabgi

Short bio Mohamed El Qasabgi

Birthday: 1892
Died: 1966

Full biography Mohamed El Qasabgi

photo Mohamed El Qasabgi

Mohamed El Qasabgi (1892-1966) was a famous Egyptian composer and musician , considered as one of the most influential composers of his time. He was born in Suhaaj, Upper Egypt, into a family of musicians where he learned music at a very young age. He began his career as a singer and oud player in rural areas before moving to Cairo in the early 1900s. In Cairo, he gained recognition for his talent and his compositions.

El Qasabgi made a significant contribution to the development of Egyptian music, especially in the early 20th century. He was known for introducing new forms of Arabic musical compositions, combining traditional Arabic styles with western music. He created many compositions in different genres, including operettas and film scores.

El Qasabgi also played a significant role in the career of Umm Kulthum, the famous Egyptian singer, whom he introduced to Arabic Theater Palace. He later became her mentor and helped in refining her musical style, which made her one of the most iconic singers in the Arab world.

Other notable musicians who were students of El Qasabgi include Mohamed Abdel Wahab, a famous composer, and singer, who later became one of the most influential musicians in the Arab world.

Today, El Qasabgi is remembered as one of the five leading composers of Egypt in the 20th century. His contributions to Egyptian music have left an enduring legacy, shaping the music of the Arab world for generations to come.

Albums featuring Mohamed El Qasabgi

# Сover Name album Year Music label
1 Cover for album: محمد القصبجي = Muḥammad Al-Qaṣabgī – سلطان العود = The Sultan Of Ud(2×CD, ) محمد القصبجي = Muḥammad Al-Qaṣabgī – سلطان العود = The Sultan Of Ud(2×CD, ) 2016 Amar (3)
2 Cover for album: Taxim Seba = تقاسيم من مقام صبا(Shellac, 11 Taxim Seba = تقاسيم من مقام صبا(Shellac, 11", 78 RPM) - Baidaphon
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