Home Composers Mario Lavista

Mario Lavista

Short bio Mario Lavista

Birthday: 1943 in Mexico City, Mexico
Died: 2021
Active: 1970s - 2010s
Genre: Classical
Period: Contemporary

Full biography Mario Lavista

photo Mario Lavista

Mario Lavista was a Mexican composer, writer and intellectual born on April 3, 1943. Lavista passed away on November 4, 2021, at the age of 78. He was considered one of the most notable and accomplished Latin American composers of the last 50 years. Lavista was the nephew of composer Raul Lavista, from whom he received his early musical training.

He contributed greatly to the field of music, and his works were widely celebrated both in Mexico and internationally. Lavista was a central figure in the cultural and artistic scene in Mexico , and his music was known for its avant-garde and experimental qualities. His musical compositions spanned a wide range of styles and forms, including solo, chamber, and orchestral works.

Beyond music, Lavista was also a prolific writer and intellectual, contributing articles and essays to various publications. He was a respected educator and mentor, and his work as a teacher was highly regarded. Throughout his career, Lavista received numerous awards and honors for his contributions to music and culture in Mexico and beyond.

The world of music and culture mourns the loss of this great composer, writer, and intellectual. However, his legacy lives on through his music, teachings, and contributions to the arts.

Compositions featuring Mario Lavista

# Name Duration Genre Year
1 Canto fúnebre, for orchestra 8:29 min Orchestral 2013
2 Cánticos a Eugenio, for 3 flutes 12:18 min Chamber Music 2011
3 Calixto, for violin 9:12 min Chamber Music 2009
4 Elegía (a la muerte de Nacho), for flute & piano 9:50 min Chamber Music 2003
5 Bagatelles (3), for string trio 5:02 min Chamber Music 2001
6 String Quartet No. 5 ("Siete invenciones") 11:12 min Chamber Music 1998
7 Natarayah, for guitar 2:53 min Chamber Music 1997
8 String Quartet No. 4 ("Sinfonías") 16:31 min Chamber Music 1996
9 String Quartet No. 3 ("Música para mi vecino") 12:30 min Chamber Music 1995
10 Cinco Danzas Breves for woodwind quintet 11:57 min Chamber Music 1992
11 Clepsidra 10:45 min Miscellaneous (Classical) 1991
12 Responsorio in memorian Rodolfo Halffter, for bassoon & percussion 11:50 min Chamber Music 1988
13 Ofrenda, for tenor recorder 10:05 min Chamber Music 1986
14 Madrigal, for clarinet 8:22 min Chamber Music 1985
15 Simurg, for piano 7:49 min Keyboard 1981
16 Ficciones, for orchestra 12:21 min Orchestral 1980
17 Quotations, for cello & piano 7:16 min Chamber Music 1979
18 String Quartet No. 1 ("Diacronía") 8:00 min Chamber Music 1969
19 Tres cantos a Edurne, for orchestra 6:15 min Orchestral -
20 Cuaderno de Viaje, for cello 9:58 min Chamber Music -
21 String Quartet No. 6 ("Suite en cinco partes") 13:49 min Chamber Music -
22 String Quartet No. 2 ("Reflejos de la Noche") 10:42 min Chamber Music -
23 Octet, for wind instruments 12:51 min Chamber Music -
24 Nocturno, for solo flute 5:55 min Chamber Music -
25 Clepsydra, for orchestra 10:44 min Orchestral -
26 Danzas seculares (3) for cello & piano 7:52 min Chamber Music -
27 Danza de las bailarinas de Degas, for flute & piano 7:15 min Chamber Music -
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