Home Composers Lewis Henry Lavenu

Lewis Henry Lavenu

Short bio Lewis Henry Lavenu

Birthday: 1818
Died: 1859

Full biography Lewis Henry Lavenu

photo Lewis Henry Lavenu

Lewis Henry Lavenu (1818-1859) was a notable English composer, cellist, and conductor who contributed greatly to the musical scene of his time. Lavenu was born in London and grew up in a musical family - he was the son of a clarinetist and the grandson of a bassoonist.

Lavenu’s musical career was diverse. He composed and arranged music for many different genres, including operas, songs, and instrumental music. He was a skilled cellist and performed as a soloist and in orchestras and chamber ensembles. He was also an accomplished conductor, leading performances of his own and others’ works.

Furthermore, Lavenu played an important role in promoting the works of other composers. He premiered and arranged many pieces by composers such as Franz Liszt. In fact, Lavenu arranged a series of Liszt’s Hungarian rhapsodies for piano and orchestra, which became very popular in England and contributed to Liszt’s lasting popularity in that country.

Lavenu was also involved in teaching and training musicians, both as a cello and music theory instructor and also as the conductor of various choirs, including the choir at Westminster Abbey.

Lavenu passed away at the young age of 41, but his contributions to the musical world were significant. He is remembered as a composer and musician who was both versatile and accomplished.

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